Iridology & Sclerology Consultations

What is Iridology & Sclerology ?


        Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris to identify the  genetic constitutional make-up of an individual. The iris reveals such data as: our genetically inherited tendencies, areas of toxic settlement, organ activity, nerve tensions, congestion, inflammation, and predispositions toward inherent health patterns. 

         This method of analysis is remarkably accurate because areas of stress send a signal through the nervous system leaving a suggestive mark on the sensitive iris. The iris is an extension of the brain, and the most complex tissue of the body which has the amazing ability to reveal any hidden cellular condition. 

The iris allows us to take a deeper look inside the systems of the body such as, the digestion and absorption, distribution, utilization of food, detoxification, and elimination systems. 

       I believe iridology will be at the forefront of change because it tells  us about a person’s overall constitution, and  allows for the  prevention of dis-ease. When we know where our weaknesses are, we can take steps to monitor these areas, strengthen and nourish them before a serious problem arises. 



      Sclerology analysis focuses on the visible red veins in the sclera. These markings indicate current active health conditions. The degree of vein redness and thickness, corresponds to the level of congestion, severity of inflammation and how weak an organ has become. Different vein patterns identify different situations such as the hardening of veins and tissues. Parasites growth and viruses  can also be identified.  Not only does Sclerology reveals how chronic a problem may be but it also reveals the healing process as weakness are addressed.


    The information gathered in an Iridology  and Sclerology assessment is used to recommend the proper herbs and supplements,  develop a customized  food plan and lifestyle changes that allow for the restoration of  good health. You will learn what organs and systems to support, to increase vitality and bring about balance in the bio-chemistry of your body.


Eye Examples

Iris Examples


If your eyes have a white ring, or a partial white ring over the outer edge of the iris - the presence of this eye sign might indicate the person has "Lipid ring". There is a high correlation between this sign and cholesterol and hardening of the arteries. This material is of the same or similar composition as arterial plaque. So, poor Circulation will be experienced and disturbance on fat metabolism throughout the body.

Sclera Examples


 Possibly bladder deficiency with parasite involvement and kidney deficiency. insufficient  hydrochloric acid in the stomach - poor digestion. 

 Digestive enzyme depletion, ( pancreas insufficiency)

- deficiency in secreting digestive enzyme. 


These tiny white wisps/cloud formed near the  edge of the iris  indicate lymphatic congestion  and stagnation.  A Lot of mucus trouble such as sinus congestion and  swollen  lymph nodes to name a few.


We see here Thyroid congestion line, tendency to hypo/hyperthyroidism. Parathyroid deficiency, tendency to calcium assimilation problem thus, leads to bone weakened, depression, fatigue, inflammation .

and the bleu cast indicate oxygen deficiency